So onto the project, I've got a fairly rough sketch for a character, this was mostly to get an idea of the kinds of characters and visual I want for the project, the sketch focused on the head and was key in deciding style, in the end I've decided to shy away from a serious storyline and more go for a heavy arcade havoc, as well as giving much more flexibility, this also allows a lot of variation visually, at first I'm going to try to keep all the characters to one style, likely adding more variety later.
Visually speaking the characters aimed for more 'cybergoth raver' than military |
As for systems, currently I've got the following implemented:
-Movement and replication of 'players'
-Basic player representation (capsules)
-'Zoom' according to weapon/stick input, a shotgun will only show a short range compared to a rifle
the goal for the rest of this month is as follows:
-Player spawning and 'point priority'
-Aiming and projectile spawning
-Player health and damage
-Getting started on a 'base' character mesh that will be used as a place holder
If anyone has any feedback and suggestions I'd love to hear them, this game is being built as a personal project and as something I think would be enjoyable for people, and so it's great to hear personal opinions.
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